Poetiic University Issue 15
Poetiic University Magazine is now a bi-monthly publication with a target demographic of CONSCIOUS HUMANS, followers of the Neo Soul, hip-hop and R&B lifestyles. The magazine is a self distributed, independent publication that encourages the exploration of the creative arts by urban youth. Similar publications are Sister Sister, Jet and Essence.
The main objective of this Online/Print Publication, is to offer creatives all over the map a sound platform to express themselves and promote their brand!
Here at Poetiic University, we aim to uplift, motivate and encourage.
Poetiic - Time Alone
IG: @iiamPoetiic

Poetiic University Issue 15
"If you want small changes, work on your behavior; if you want quantum-leap changes, work on your paradigms"
Featured Entrepreneur/Artist:
Be sure to take the time and read through this whole issue. There are tons of talented entrepreneurs featured in this issue so be sure to get fully tapped in. AND DEFINITELY COMPLETE THE WORD SEARCH and once you do, take a pic - post it and tag @poetiicuniversity
Poetiic University Events
Lost In Translation
Poetiic University hosts different events monthly so be sure to stay connected and tapped in to the #EventCALENDAR. Lost in Translation (L.I.T) Open Mic is one of our lasting events. We are 2 years in and we do them every other month now. If you are a creative, or love good energy, this is an event for you.
Are you coming to the tour?
P.S. I Love Me Tour
The first leg of the tour took place in the Midwest. We touched Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton.
2nd Leg of tour is in California. We've touched Santa Rosa, Sacramento and heading to soCAL next to touch San Diego. Be sure to get connected to the #EventCALENDAR to stay updated on dates, locations and times.
Interested in being apart of our next issue of Poetiic University?
We are constantly working to improve our publication and make sure we are getting some good content so if you are interested in potentially being a writer on the squad, a scout or photographer please email us at poetiicuniversityne@gmail.com and inquire.
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